Sunday, November 19, 2006


Update: eLearning Task Force. The Arizona Department of Education has the appointees from the Governor’s Office for Boards and Commissions and is organizing the first meeting.

Update: K-12 eLearning legislation for 2007 is well ahead of schedule. I hope to have specifies in a few weeks.

Blog: eSATS focus has always been on increased mastery of core subjects at all grade levels leading to higher graduation rates. Our friend Ken Kay and his Partnership for 21st Century Skills has added an additional dimension. He has expended from Core Subjects to 21st Century Content, Life Skills, Information and Communication Literacy and Learning and Thinking Skills. We had assumed that an eLearning classroom focused on teacher practice transformation and digital curriculum with Internet would address all of the above.

Apparently; not so! A faltering student cuts text and graphics from the Internet and presents a dandy PowerPoint book report, is applauded and is enthusiastic about school. Has she learned an ICT skill? Yes. Has she learned part of a core subject, a life skill, 21st Century content, or learning and thinking skills? Probably not.

To be continued.

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