Thursday, January 11, 2007

Arizona Inauguration


Bob Rosenberg and I had a grand time at the inauguration of for Governor Napolitano, Secretary of State Brewer, Attorney General Goddard, Treasurer Martin, and Superintendent of Public Instruction Horne. Judge Sandra Day O’Connor officiated the oath of office. The Inspector of Mines was ignored.

Governor Janet Napolitano started with schools, innovation, pride and strength. Arizona has innovated before: from the hard hat, Hohokam irrigation, to scientific tools on Mars. She followed with educating 21st Century children (math and science), teachers, the new economy (Governor Hull theme) and protecting citizens (resonated with Terry Goddard’s address.). Our #1 rating of growth will produce thriving sustainable communities. She closed with “One Arizona.” I collected an Arizona red rock poster which is now on my office wall with that two word theme.

Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Horne started the proceedings with (in my opinion) the grandest two minute speech I have heard in many years. He said just two things with a very loud “LISTEN UP!”.

  1. Although Education Week determined Arizona is 49th - tied with Louisiana - the real truth is that three separate national tests have determined academic performance of Arizona’s students to be above average.
  2. If Arizona increased its K-12 funding from dead last to average then we could become a top ten state or even first in academic performance.


Consider eLearning as the Governor’s is the top technology based innovation play for Arizona. Now apply to the eSATS system design about 30% of the K-12 funding increase our Superintendent of Education is recommending. Arizona could zoom (my aeronautical engineering term) to the top of 50 states plus give our economy a kick that would sustain it for decades.

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