Monday, February 13, 2006

Web Based Request To Speak - New Town Hall

Just like you can rise to speak in the mythical New England Town Meeting, you can now directly influence legislation from your desktop.

Each of us wants to influence legislation vital to our interests. Unfortunately few of us can travel to the capital for a hearing, wait around for a two or more hours and then state our case to the legislative committee. Lead advocates usually provide effective verbal testimony. But your written message and vote can be critically important.

Here is how the “Request to Speak” system works from your desktop in the age of the Internet.

First you have to make a real (not virtual) trip to the Arizona State Capital – 17th Avenue and West Washington. The parking lots east of the capital (also west) are fairly open at the beginning or end of weekdays and on Friday when the legislature is not in session. Register yourself at a Kiosk in the lobby of either the Senate or the House. Take about 3 minutes and you are on your way again.

1. Then with your sign in name and password you can "Request to Speak" in an efficient manner (3 minutes at your desktop). You just key in a short, crisp message with yes, no or neutral recommendation on passing the bill:
Request to Speak Login:

2. If you don’t know when bill is to be heard, key in your bill number in the top bar, right side of screen and find this information under Show Senate/House Agendas.
Arizona Legislative Information System Homepage:

3. Put in name and password and select House or Senate, Click, input the bill number;

4 Then fill in your organization (self is just fine), select “For” as your stance on the bill, put in your comments; and select No when it asks if you want to speak.

Why do all this? The reason is that the committee chairman usually reads each comment just PRIOR TO VOTING on the bill and tallies the For, Neutral and Against stances. You can have direct influence on an undecided legislator just before they cast their vote. Usually there are only a few comments read. A large volume with For stances makes a real impression.

One trip to the capital and you are set to influence legislation for life. Our SB1512 for the eLearning Centered School System will be heard in the K-12 Education committee this coming Wednesday afternoon, February 15th. We need your written support.

Ted Kraver --- eLearning System for Arizona Teachers and Student
602-944-8557 eb60211NewDemocracyRequestToSpeak.doc

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